Thursday, April 12, 2012

Talking point 6: Playing with Gender (pg 36-40)

Here in this story, it discusses how boys try to imitate a pregnant woman, while as boys cannot be pregnant. Basically they just act different than how they usually do because of what they experience in reality, like how the boy's mother was pregnant, therefore making him want to play the leading role as a pregnant lady. The author didn't think that this was right, but I don't think she should make a big deal of it. I mean, it was a play and I'm sure the boy knows that even he cannot be pregnant. I do not think it is weird for a boy to think about pregnancy, but if he thinks he can get pregnant, then that is another case. I thought this quote was funny, " Instead, they let go of being human and became sea horses, which allowed them to stay male and keep doing the maternal work that's associated with being female." Meaning, since they cannot be pregnant as a male, they'll be sea horses because male sea horses can get pregnant. Though she also mentioned they knew they cannot get pregnant, but it bothers her so much that she has to explain about being a man and woman. Which I find amusing. Another event is when a boy and a neighboring friend was playing family. He was the mom who fed her, changed her, etc and she was the baby. Of course all the adults stopped this from happening because it's wrong and I suppose I can agree. It may lead to wrong things to happen in the future. It's best to stop thoughts like these while they are developing then when they grow older and it's too late.

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